AI Training for all Staff

by Markus Egger | July 20, 2023

Our CODE Training division recently conducted an in-depth training class on how to use OpenAI's Large Language Models (LLMs) to create AI-driven Copilot features for business applications. As far as we know, this was the first training class of this kind offered by any company. (And our training division is scheduling more such classes, among others. For more detail, check out

However, training is not just done as a commercial endeavor. A big motivation behind our traning division is to train all our own staff as well, regardless of whether it is for people in the Staffing division, Consulting division, or members of CODE DevNet. As such, all CODE Staffing members were invited in this training class, which provides an awesome benefit for all our customers for whom all the CODErs work on cutting edge project. And after all, developments around AI are so important and far reaching, they touch just about any project there is. Which is why it is so important for us that all our people (even the non-technical ones!) are up-to-speed with developments around AI and can talk about it intelligently.

On a related topic: CODE Group is now offering all kinds of services around AI. In particular, we now offer an Executive Briefing to get leaders of companies and organizations up to speed with what can be done with AI and how it is useful on a case-by-case basis.

Here are a few interesting links with more information:

If you are unfamilar with what Copilots can do in one's own applications, check out this video recording of a free CODE Presents webinar I have recently done. The video should start right at an interesting Copilot demo (but in case it doesn't, skip to about an hour and 32 minutes in):